Magic bullet looks online
Magic bullet looks online

We have found a wonderful team to create the SRO website. And the first, essential goal of this project. Thomas does, though, want me to tell you more clearly the reason for Seek Reality Online. And of course, I want to share it with you! But I can’t.

#Magic bullet looks online full#

So I have awakened on some recent mornings with my mind full of ideas and insights that for certain didn’t come from me! Apparently, we are close enough now that Craig and I can be told what’s going on. Now, as we are working toward debuting Seek Reality Online, Thomas has begun to give me amazing downloads of information! I’m sure that for years we’ve been talking about this during our nightly guidance meetings, but the difference is that now he is letting me remember some of what he is saying. The role that I long ago signed up for is apparently starting to unfold, and pretty much everything in my life seems to have been preparation for it. It is only now – I mean, literally this week – that I begin to see my Thomas’s plan. So, what was the point of going online with that? It would be just a more efficient way to do the annual conferences that Craig and I were already putting on, and each of those attracted just a few hundred people. And frankly, the more we talked about it, the dumber the whole thing started to seem. Although of course, my actually knowing the plan or any details of how the timing worked would have been information far above my pay grade!Īnd then, about five years ago, Thomas put into my mind the thought that it was time for “an online afterlife university.” So I talked about it with friends in this field, but I couldn’t really envision it. We wrote more books, but to my dismay he wouldn’t let my favorite of them be published. I had a role to play, but no worries, my child: it’s going to be a tiny role. He assured me that I was following a plan, and that plan was well on course. Channeling Liberating Jesus in 2015, which required that my beautiful Thomas become an active part of my daytime life. Putting on annual afterlife conferences with Craig Hogan, beginning in 2014. Instead, over the intervening decade I have been pulled and prompted to do more. Perhaps we were supposed to be ignorant of our true nature and our destiny, to keep us focused on our lessons here? In the summer of 2010, I became so obsessed with the notion that I might be committing a cosmic crime in publishing The Fun of Dying that I did in fact pray fervently that if that book should not be published, then God could please take me in my sleep. I was still enough of a Christian that my instinct then was to follow the herd. And for my part, slow learner that I am, it is only now that I really am able to see how important this awakening is! When I first began to speak and write about the afterlife, I was vaguely worried that if we were supposed to know that we survive our deaths, then for certain we would already know it.

magic bullet looks online

We are just now coming to realize that immortality may be that magic bullet. If you had found a way to transform humankind for the better in barely a heartbeat of time, what would you do? If you could make every person on every street in every nation in the Western world feel spontaneously less selfish and more loving? More compassionate and kind? If you had a way to actually accomplish the transformation in each human heart that religions over all the earth and throughout human history have been trying to achieve, although without much success?

magic bullet looks online

– Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens), from “Peace Train” (1971) Oh, I’ve been smiling lately, Dreaming about the world as one!Īnd I believe it could be. Now I’ve been happy lately, Thinkin’ about the good things to come.Īnd I believe it could be.

Magic bullet looks online